No matter how great your school is, you will receive negative comments at some point. It's sometimes more about the person having a terrible day or being unhappy about something unrelated to your school than anything that happened at your private school. Whatever the source, the person's annoyance manifests as a bad review or comment on Facebook or another social channel.
For better or worse, we live in a world where people have a voice that can be easily expressed on social media. Parents and students can take pictures and videos, interact with others and create a positive or negative buzz about their experiences with your school as they perceive them. Unfortunately, their perceptions aren't always accurate.
I understand how annoying that may be, especially because social media is essential to any modern private school marketing plan. As a result, client support on social media necessitates a distinct technique. Effective social media management is required, especially when dealing with unfavorable comments. Handling negative comments on social media is critical for your school's brand image, and a well-thought-out plan can help minimize the damage.
Here are some strategies for dealing with negative social media comments or reviews:
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Having precise, consistent information across the internet is crucial to being discovered online. Here is where local SEO citations come in handy.
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