When it comes to running a private school, allocating your marketing budget might mean the difference between being profitable and being in the red. Are you inaccurately measuring the value of your marketing channels? What if you’re overspending on student acquisition? What if you’re losing money because of outmoded thinking and incorrect assumptions?
What would additional market share be worth to your private school?
In August 2018, Google revealed a new algorithm upgrade dubbed the Medic Update, which focused a lot on E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness). E-A-T is one of Google's top five ranking indicators to evaluate page content, according to their Search Quality Rater Guidelines (QRG). E-A-T is so significant that it is cited over 185 times in the QRG.
Google has stated that the focus for websites should be on creating unique content and providing an excellent overall user experience. Google has previously said that relevant content, good E-A-T, mobile friendliness, and a fast page load time (less than 2 seconds) are required for websites to obtain better ranks.
Google’s algorithm is updated on a nearly daily basis. They also provide Core Updates numerous times a year. Thanks to AI and machine learning, Google can now rank material based on its quality requirements.
To rank your private school’s website content in Google, you have to focus on getting into the minds of your target audience (parents), thinking about the questions they want to be addressed and the intent behind their search.
Here are seven strategies to demonstrate E-A-T and increase the visibility of your school's content in Google searches.
If you think about it, the logo is one of the first things that people are likely to notice about a business or brand. The elements of a brand design can tell the target audience about your industry, and expertise, and help them form the right perception of the business. It's one of the most important parts of a branding and marketing strategy. According to a report, consumers tend to recognize logos after five to seven impressions. So it's important to create an icon that sends a strong message from the first look.
In the plumbing industry, you can use logo design to market your services in many ways. With graphic elements such as colors, fonts, and imagery, you can grab the attention of your target customer or client immediately. Here are a few ways that you can use the plumber logo in marketing your service.
If you are a small business owner, you have probably heard that you need a local marketing strategy.
Did you know that “88% of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a related store within a week.” (Source: Think With Google) Therefore having a local marketing strategy is more critical than ever.