Categorized PDF & MP3 Files
Add New Document(s)
- From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "DocMan."
- Choose "Upload" button from the top of the screen.
- From the new window, click "Upload" button and choose file(s) from your computer OR drag the files form your computer into the upload area.
- **You may upload multiple files at once, but only for a single category.**
- **You may upload multiple files at once, but only for a single category.**
- Once uploaded, your screen will show a list of all the files uploaded. Select the category all of the files should be added to, then change the title for each in the title area of each row for the files.
- Once done editing click the green "Save" button at the top left corner. Each file will save and once you see a green bar at the top, click the word "here" to close the uploader.
- **Files will be uploaded with today's date and time automatically.
- To change the date or time of a file (for listing purposes on the website by date) choose the file to edit from the list.
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Edit Document - Update File or Change Date on Document
- From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "DocMan."
- To edit an existing document, select it from the list on this page.
- Edit the details of the document (Title, Category, optional description area).
- Change the first "Date" for listing purposes from the right side.
- To change the publishing start or stop date and time (if the document should post or be removed form the site automatically), change the "Start publishing on" and "Stop publishing on" areas.
- Click "Save and Close" button to svae your changes.
Add file from DocMan to an article
- Edit the article you wish to place the document link.
- Place your cursor where you want the link to appear.
- Click the button below the editor area called "Document." A window will appear.
- Choose the Category from the left column, the specific document from the right column, and then click "Insert Document Link" button. Your link now appears in the editor and you can change the name and move where you like.
Delete a Document
- From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "DocMan."
- Find the document you want to remove, click the checkbox in the same row, click "Delete" button at top of the page.
Change the listed order of documents:
- From the Administrator page, click Menus > Main Menu
- Click the menu item
- Click “Document Options” tab
- Change “Sort Documents By”
- Click “Save and Close"