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d29f724a45ead59fbed342a9b3ad72f4 Banner Ad Best Practices for Schools

Rotating Banner Ad Images

Create a New Client

Each Banner must be linked to a client for tracking. If you only use this for rotating images, you'll only have one client called "House Ads."

  1. From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "Banners."
  2. Click "Clients" from the left side menu.
  3. Fill in the information about the client and choose "yes" for "Track Impressions" and "Track Clicks."
  4. Click "Save and Close."

Create a New Banner Ad

Create your banner ad image first. Your banner ad spaces have already been created - please contact Cube Creative if you need those ad sizes.

  1. From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "Banners."
  2. Click "Banners" from the left side menu.
  3. To edit an existing banner, select it from the list. To Add a new banner, click green "New" button.
  4. From the DETAILS tab, edit the Name, edit the Width and Height of the image, Add Alt Text, and the URL for the ad.
    • new-banner-ad.jpg
  5. To upload your banner image, click "Select" button and upload the image. Choose the uploaded image from the middle column and press "Insert" button. 
    • banner-ad-upload.jpg
  6. Select the BANNER DETAILS tab.
  7. Fill in the information on this tab. Max Impressions: Select "Unlimited" or enter the max number of views for this ad. Choose a Client from the list. Choose "Yes" next to "Track Impressions" and "Track Clicks."
    • adsbannerdetails.jpg
  8. If you need to set a time for the banner to come off the site, select the PUBLISHING tab and set a "Finish Publishing" date and time. The ad will stop showing on this time.
  9. Click "Save and Close" to save the changes.

View Impressions (views) and Clicks on a specific ad

  1. From the administrator menu at the top of the screen, click "Components" and "Banners."
  2. Click "Banners" from the left side menu.
  3. Select an existing banner, from the list. You can view the Impressions and Clicks on this main screen. You can reset the numbers by clicking the reset buttons next to each row.