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6 tips for a successful email newsletter

It's a proven fact that consumers make purchases based on email. Yes, people still use email regardless of what your kids tell you. In fact, 76% of emails are opened within the first two days of receipt. Over half are opened on mobile devices. Use these tips to jumpstart a successful email campaign for any business or organization.

Be consistent

An email newsletter is something you'll most likely be sending regularly, so be consistent in your design and timing - each week, month or semi-annually. Make sure your information is in a consistent format so your audience knows how to navigate your newsletter each time.

Feel free to have a paragraph at the top that discusses the content of the email and sections, or use a table of contents.

Whatever it takes, stick to your publishing schedule and consistent design.

Have a goal with each newsletter sent

Don't put too much content in your newsletter, and provide links to your website blogs for more information. Every message you send should have a different goal. One email can focus on selling a certain product or service. The next can be about promoting some recent events in the life of your company. Limit your text so the reader can move through the information quickly.

Know your voice and make it personal

Don't refer to your business in the third person. If you are a music artist, it immediately creates a disconnect between your and your audience. Use "I" or "we," and try to keep the tone conversational. Keep the message professional, but don't be afraid to let your personality and passions come through.

Add a subtle offer

Every email newsletter is a chance to sell a product or service. First and foremost, you want to offer helpful tips and advice, but always remember to include a call to action that leads back to the services you offer that pertain to the information presented. (e.g., "If you are interested in learning more, contact us for a free estimate for this service...")

Be exclusive

Keep the email newsletter separate from your social media. Someone giving you his or her email address can be a big deal, so offer this audience something that's not on social media. Link to your website and social media to make sure you have cross-platform linking. It's all about building an audience across all platforms of communication offered by your company.

Things to avoid in your email newsletter

Don't abuse your list by bombarding members with emails. It's a privilege to have your subscribers’ email addresses, so be sensitive to their inboxes. Avoid words like "free" or "sale," and don't use ALL CAPS. These can help your newsletter get flagged as spam. Avoid using large images and files. Emails that take too long to load may get deleted before they get read. And finally, don't regurgitate information. If you don't have something new to say, don't say anything at all. Re-announcing information and repeating blog entries wastes your readers' time and may spur readers to unsubscribe.

Bonus Tip: Make sure it is responsive

It is no longer an option to have email communications that are not optimized for mobile (unless you want to appear antiquated).

Take a look at these statistics:

Image of the author - Adam Bennett

Written By: Adam Bennett |  Friday, August 03, 2018

Adam is the president and founder of Cube Creative Design and specializes in private school marketing. Since starting the business in 2005, he has created individual relationships with clients in Western North Carolina and across the United States. He places great value on the needs, expectations, and goals of the client.