What is inbound marketing? HubSpot’s definition is "Inbound marketing is focused on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content and adding value at every stage in your customer's buying journey. By creating content designed to address the problems and needs of your ideal customers, you attract qualified prospects and build trust and credibility for your business." In other words, inbound marketing is about educating the user through various online media. You may have also heard it called digital marketing or content marketing. The bottom line is you are providing the answers searchers, visitors, prospects, and even clients need when they want them and need them, leading them to seek your business services. In contrast, traditional or "outbound" marketing involves reaching out to potential customers using advertising, distribution promotions, or sales campaigns in hopes that they need your services now or will remember you when they do need your products or services.
Does inbound replace outbound?
The short answer is no. Every business benefits from more exposure and brand awareness! However, we live in a time where information is just a click away. On average, today's buyers are 70% through the buyer’s journey before a salesperson enters the picture. In the next few years, it is expected to be around 80%! Success comes when businesses are savvy enough to incorporate their sales and marketing together, then add in the perfect mix of innovative inbound marketing with their tried-and-true marketing efforts.
Let your website supply the answers
As I stated earlier, your website needs to answer the questions that your prospects are asking. The best way to do this is to create pages or utilize a blog that answers the questions that you frequently get from customers and the general public. According to Pardot, 72% of buyers turn to Google during their awareness stage, and 70% return to Google in the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey.
Inbound is a marathon, not a sprint.
Inbound marketing takes time and is an exercise in patience. According to Sparktoro, Google owns 93% of the search market among all their properties. Google is continuously evolving to help provide the most relevant content for the user, called searcher intent. It will reward you and reward you handsomely for helpful content that ultimately answers the buyers’ questions. The old search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and black hat tricks don't work anymore.
Let’s not put the cart before the horse
Every website needs a call-to-action (CTA) item such as a Contact Us button or form. The problem is that 99% of your website visitors aren't ready to buy the cart yet. Stretch your idea of a CTA from a sales-oriented call (to sell the cart) to giving your web visitors something useful and educational (the horse). Examples of useful gifts include a case study, infographic, whitepaper, ebook, or checklist.
Hey Jenny I got your number...
Always have a way for your prospect to reach out to you either by phone or email. We have found contact forms work well. Additionally, always list your phone number for those who prefer calling versus emailing a company.
Want to know how inbound can help your business? Contact us, and we will be happy to have a conversation with you!