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Have you introduced your small business to the AIDA model (Attention Interest Desire Action)?

The ultimate objective of any marketing effort is to spread the word about your small business and ensure that it reaches the correct people.

However, small businesses employ other strategies to create leads and close transactions. But, the AIDA model has been the most well-known traditional marketing strategy since its creation in 1898!

AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action, the four primary phases of the sales funnel employed by businesses worldwide. It is built on high-quality writing that engages and pushes people to buy.

Stay with me, and I'll go through everything in more depth.

History of the AIDA Model

In 1898, American businessman Elias St. Elmo Lewis created the AIDA concept. Lewis was an advocate of advertising and often wrote and talked about its possibilities. 

His goal was to develop an effective model that businesses could use to increase sales and enhance communication between sellers and clients.

The concept soon produced outstanding results and is still one of the most used sales tactics today.

It employs science and psychology to guarantee that a marketing effort achieves the desired outcomes. It also helps to illustrate the processes or stages consumers go through when making a purchase decision.

Why is the AIDA Model so Successful?

Before you can use the AIDA model, you must first figure out what your buyer personas and what they want.

You have to analyze data and make sure that you pinpoint precisely what your audience wants to know. 

You may get additional insights that will assist you in understanding your audience and their wants based on the marketing information you get from your advertising plan.

Once you know that, you can connect your results with your buyer personas and optimize and improve your future marketing campaigns to increase sales and boost conversion rates. 

If you're still unsure about what your clients expect, you'll have to research and crunch the numbers until you do. Remember that this phase is critical since it will determine the future success of your entire business.

Four Stages of the AIDA Model

As previously stated, the AIDA model guides the buyer through four sales funnel phases. Some marketers refer to it as the AIDAR model, with the letter R for retention, since making a single sale to a client will not help you build a business.

To keep your clients coming back, you must build a solid connection with them, but I'll get to that in a moment. For the time being, let's take a deeper look at the AIDA model's four primary phases:

1. Attention

1. Attention

The first and most crucial step in the AIDA sales model is capturing your prospect's attention. 

Although the AIDA model can be applied to any advertising model, including traditional methods, it proved very useful for online marketing. 

Almost every website design and development agency uses this model to attract clients from all over. It can boost sales and help your small business grow steadily if done right.

Today, most purchases are made online, and this trend will keep expanding in the future. 

As reaching out to potential clients becomes more challenging due to rising competition, capturing their attention becomes an art form. 

When someone wants to buy something these days, they usually start their search on Google. It's up to you to create an attractive website with relevant information that can capture potential clients. 

That means you'll need excellent quality content with optimized SEO and other details to help your website appear at the top of the search pages. 

Using the right information will boost your website's ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and help you extend brand awareness further to generate more leads. You can do that using many different methods, including pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, and other techniques to help your site appear at the top of the search results.

Use whatever you can to capture your clients' attention online, and results will follow.

2. Interest

2. Interest

Let's say you came up with a marketing campaign that caught a client's eye. They saw your ad and became aware of your brand and offer, but that still doesn't mean a thing without the right follow-up. 

Your clients will want to know more about your brand, product, or offer, and that's the perfect time to serve them the information they want to find.

During this stage, your potential clients still don't trust your brand. The information you provide has to answer their questions, giving you the credibility you need to make a sale. 

You want to be as transparent as possible, so you must know what your clients want. Therefore, the content on the website should address clients' needs and answer their questions before they are even asked.

 There are many different types of content you can use to boost trust. These include:

  • e-books
  • webinars
  • blogs

Your clients want information they can use, so sharing valuable tips that solve problems will go a long way. However, the content you share has to be perfectly balanced between showing expertise and engaging the client. 

You want to keep them interested enough to take the next step. If done right, the client will connect with your brand, and the so-called hard sale will be successful.

3. Desire

3. Desire

By this stage, your clients are more interested in finding out more details about your brand and offer. However, your job is not done until they hire you. That means that you have to keep building their interest until you turn them into leads. 

You can do that using a few different approaches, but getting them to subscribe to your email newsletters is one of the best options. Once you have their email address, you can send them relevant content and motivate them to hire your small business.

If your content got the job done, they would follow your brand on social media, where they can learn more about how your service helps them get what they need. You can do that by sharing user reviews and other genuine user-generated content as proof

People who see how your brand, service, or product helped others will want to jump on board and experience what you offer. 

The focus of this stage is to provide testimonials, case studies, and other relevant information to create desire. The more personal your proof is, the easier it will be to create desire.

4. Action

4. Action

You managed to grab your clients' attention and provided relevant information to stir up their interest. Now, they want to know more about your offer, and finally, they want to try it. It's time to close the deal. 

The fourth stage is where you have to be direct and present your offer in a way that will prompt them to hire you.

You don't want your clients to do any more work once they reach this point, as that might still push them away, and you'll lose a potential sale. So, you have to create an environment where it's super-easy for them. 

Friction here is the "F-word" of the internet. Anytime you add friction to the process, you have a chance of losing the lead you worked so hard to get.


The AIDA model is one of the best methods to boost your brand's visibility and build trust with your clients. However, before trying it in practice, you must understand what your clients want and prove that you have the answers they want.

Naturally, you won't be able to convert every click, but even if a potential client doesn't reach out, you will still be able to boost brand awareness, generate leads, and increase trust. 

As long as you focus on creating engaging content that really helps people find what they need, success will surely follow. 

Lastly, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of copy, ads, and email content in your campaigns.

Image of the author - Chad J. Treadway

Written By: Chad J. Treadway |  Monday, August 15, 2022

Chad is a Partner and our Chief Smarketing Officer. He will help you survey your small business needs, educating you on your options before suggesting any solution. Chad is passionate about rural marketing in the United States and North Carolina. He also has several certifications through HubSpot to better assist you with your internet and inbound marketing.